Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
Luxor – Go for the unexpected VI
To finish with this little report on my experience in Egypt, I want to tell you about Sekmeth, the lion goddess. In the Egyptian pantheon several gods have animal heads, Thoth-ibis, Anubis-jackal, Horus-falcon are among the most famous ones. These gods were known in the whole country, but every city had special relations to one or several of them.
Luxor – Go for the unexpected V
I left Luxor again at the hour of sunrise. Through the window of the bus back to Hurghada I watched the sun, and knew that it would never look the same again for me after this trip.
Luxor – Go for the unexpected IV
Day 3 was the 21st of December, day of the winter solstice. Only a few years ago it was discovered that Karnak temple is constructed and aligned in a way that during sunrise at winter solstice the sun just climbs up about the central axis of the temple, probably also to bring sunrays to the sanctuary and illuminate the statues of Amun.
Luxor – Go for the unexpected III
On the second day we started very early in the morning to the Theban Necropolis, on the other shore of the Nile, traditionally considered the land for the dead. The city of Luxor, known as Thebes in antiquity and Waset for the ancient Egyptians, is on the east shore, Luxor temple and Karnak temple included.
Luxor – Go for the unexpected II
Day 1 was dedicated to Karnak temple and Luxor temple. Our guide Ali, originally from Alexandria but with a strong connection to Karnak, showed us around and explained some of the buildings, statues and hieroglyphs, and also left us lots of time to enjoy the atmosphere at the site and to make our own discoveries of favourite spots. Now it was a pleasure that there were so few other tourists around!
Luxor – Go for the unexpected I
I never had a special relationship to Egypt or felt particularly attracted to its ancient culture. So it became one of the wondrous gifts of life that on december 18th 2014 I started on a short trip to Luxor and returned only a few days later but with lots of energizing, inspiring and transformative experiences and definitly in love with this place!
I decided to open a new section in my blog, about another of my passions which is quite connected to my general interest for new experiences: Travelling! Some weeks ago I made a great trip to Egypt, and later this month I will travel for the first time (finally!) to Japan. So there is lots to tell and to share – I’ll do it in English, because like this more of my friends all around the world can read me. Sorry for the mistakes in my English, I am not a native speaker! Hope you enjoy.
Form und Inhalt
Zu Beginn des Übens strebt man gewöhnlich eine Form an. Man eifert beim Tai Chi, Yoga oder Qigong den äußeren Bewegungsabläufen nach, die man beim Lehrer oder der Lehrerin sieht. Oder sitzt beim Meditieren mit angestrengt aufrecht gehaltenem Rücken – und hält das für einen Teil der Praxis. Das ist es auch, durch die empfehlenswerte Kunst der Imitation … dessen, was man bewundert, was man selber gern erreichen möchte.
Lieblingsbuch I, Shunryu Suzuki
In loser Folge möchte ich einige meiner Lieblingsbücher aus dem Bereich erhellender Lektüren vorstellen. Heute: „Zen-Geist, Anfänger-Geist“ von Shunryu Suzuki.
Shunryu Suzuki Roshi lebte von 1904 bis 1971, davon ab 1959 in San Francisco. Er war ein japanischer Zen-Meister der Soto-Tradition und als einer der ersten Lehrer im Westen maßgeblich mit dafür verantwortlich, dass der Zen-Buddhismus auch bei uns bekannt und beliebt wurde. „Zen-Geist, Anfänger-Geist“ ist ein Klassiker der zen-buddhistischen Literatur. Die thematisch geordnete Zusammenstellung von Suzuki Roshis Vorträgen wurde im englischen Original erstmals 1970 veröffentlicht. Trudy Dixon, eine Suzuki nahestehende Schülerin, traf die Auswahl der Texte und ordnete sie in die drei Kategorien Rechte Praxis, Rechte Haltung und Rechtes Verstehen. Sie wählte auch die Überschriften und Leitsprüche, die jedem Kapitel voranstehen.